Being an Accomplice

If the cost of massage therapy is stopping you from getting a massage, please contact me directly. (Please see my Contact and Hours page)


I acknowledge with gratitude this region's original land stewards and;

I acknowledge I am operating business on stolen land of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, Comanche, Kansa, Kiowa, Osage, Shawnee and Wichita peoples.

I support the sovereignty of all indigenous communities including the Prairie Band Potawatomi, Kickapoo, Sac and Fox, and Iowa tribal nations present in Kansas today.

I respect and strive to uplift Indigenous voices and wisdom.

I recognize that in my experience as a massage therapist, healer, and energetic practitioner, I am allowed access to training and trade school education that Indigenous, Black, and Brown folks may not have access. I recognize racism can manifest in ways that are unintentional and unconscious.

I recognize that I have work to do in committing to anti-racism and being an accomplice in my healing work within myself and in working with others. This work will be uncomfortable and so I will adjust on a daily basis to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

I resolve to be actively an anti-racist accomplice, to actively listen to Indigenous, Black, Brown, LGBTQIA, and disabled colleagues, friends, and communities within the healing community and in the general community as well. I resolve to unlearn behavior and assumptions and to admit when I am wrong with humility and grace.

I recognize there is a difference between minority majority communities and majority white communities in access to housing, education, career and employment opportunities, safe neighborhoods, protection from environmental hazards, government services, and wealth. These differences in access to opportunity have significant effects on health, wellness, quality and length of life, and are perpetuated through socio-cultural forces at play over generations. My work in the healing community is directly linked to the health and wellness of all, not just folks with access. Bias and lack of accessibility to affordable care in the Healing community is just one of these forces that continues to oppress minority majority communities.

I resolve to challenge my conscious and unconscious racial bias.

I resolve to ensure that clients enter into an inclusive space.

I resolve to continue this work. As I move from being an ally to an accomplice, I commit to holding myself accountable.

I resolve to bypass shame and blame to change.

I resolve to release my fixed view of anyone and forgive myself for having a fixed view in the past.

I resolve to help end racism by committing to love, connection, togetherness, and intimacy.

I resolve to practicing mindfulness to call myself forward to decrease implicit bias and stereotype threat.